Monday, February 15, 2010

leading life in slow motion....

12:00 noon: wakeup, lie still in bed...regret not waking up early to go for a walk or study, think about xams-what if the datesheet comes n xams start after 5 days? oh, shit!

1:00p.m.: get out of bed, roam around the empty house for a while planning things to do for the day, search for the newspaper, go into bro's room to check out his same dvd collection(which hasn't had any new movie in the past few months.) to see if i've missed out on some movie(negative), go into the balcony, come back into the room, switch on the tv...

1:30p.m.: go to the bathroom, freshen up, switch on the geyser, sit in the room with the newspaper, read the horoscopes, comic strips,etc., surf through the channels on tv, play sudoku...

2:00p.m.: go for a bath, stay in for half an hour, come out,watch tv, read a book, have lunch, go to sleep or watch some more tv...

5:00p.m.: get a guilty feeling about wasting up life, get over it, try to bug sm clg frnds by asking abt the xams, no news.

8:00p.m.: go down to hang out with friends, bore then with my pathetic life, make fun of each other, bitch about some other people, laugh n laugh n laugh.

10:00p.m.: come back home, go online, try to find something interesting....nothing found, go offline, have dinner.

12:00 midnight: make the bed, watchtv or read a book, put an alarm for 7 in the morning.

3:00a.m: finally doze off....zzzzzzzzzz.....

12:00 noon: wake up,lie still in bed, regret not waking up early...

this is how pathetic my life has become in the past few months. i get this constant feeling that a good-for-nothing parasite might give me a competiton in being a more functional part of this universe. coz being a parasite is what it has to do! things have become so dull lately that even a single hint of activity scares me...wil i be able to do it? will i have the stamina for it? oh, god! what if i screw up? it feels like i should be sent to this island where tom hanks was in 'cast away'. it wont make any difference anyways....i'm barely in touch with any human n that way, surviving each day will b a challenge!

god! help me!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

one-liners to be avoided by men.....and men to be avoided when u hear these one-liners!

be it ur first date or the 100'th, there's never a perfect time to use these one-liners, except if u really wanna get beaten up!

1. the word of the day is "legs". let's go back to my place and spread the word.

2. that outfit would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning.

3. i like every bone in your body, especially mine.(EWE!!!!!!!!)

4. i want to kiss u passionately on the lips and then move up to ur belly-button.(this one really has to do it, guys who use this should b banned from cmg out of their houses forever!)

5. hey baby, let'splay army. i'll lie down n u blow me up.(PATHETIC!!!)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

how much is too much????

how much info that u share wid ur frnds can be considered so much so that it can be harmful to you? as the first rule of friendship, according to me, u should not have secrets with your dearest friends, right? but still, there are some things that if slip out of your mouth can do harm to someone or even you.

now, despite the fact that i love my friends from the bottom of my heart, there are a few times when we end up having arguments, disagreeing with each other or just simply having little tiffs. so, i end up saying things that i'm not supposed to in front of my other friends who become the third party in the situation. does this qualify as "too much info"? or does it simply mean that i'm friends with bloody gossipmongers जो इधर की बात उधर करते हैं? cmon, isn't it really idealistic to feel that i should never think ill about my friends? i mean, being a human, i'm bound to get irritated by every person around me for some or the other reason, aren't i?

at the same time, if you think about it, every person has the right to have secrets that he or she doesnt share with anyone but self. secrets which are buried deep down inside your heart and noone has any clue about it. and i think that it's not right to expect your friends to tell you everything about their lives. and, as friends, we should understand and respect our friends' privacy.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


this is one topic that everyone has a lot of thoughts about. it's like an inevitable long question in exam jitna likho utna kam hai.i dont have a lot of experience to have some definitive thoughts about this but yes, i'm sure of one thing.....i cant be wrong.
we use this phrase quite often, " life experiences taught me...". this one phrase, when put in a sentence by someone we trust to tell us to believe them is most of the times enough to have faith in them and take a chance. this whole idea of experimenting becomes fulfilling when one starts to think of one thing....just one word, "EXPERIENCE". this word justifies it all. taking a step forward when u know nothing about the path, making a decision in haste so that the pressure upon you is relieved and , of course, trying out something wild for the first time so that u can tell everyone else about it. these all things are governed by one sole ecstasy:EXPERIENCE. the idea of having experienced something that someone hasn't is something that keeps one going. it is just a simple thought towards the fact that even if you screw up, noone will judge you,coz you got one hell of an experience.

life is all about experiences. some good ones but a lot of bad ones i the process. but this is what makes it worth living after all. life can't be lived upon by learning from other people's experiences. just by judging the other person based on what he did n what he got in return as an experience isn't fun at all. i mean, whats the point, if you dont have your own experiences you can't have your own life! life is not about being perfect or ideal, it's about having fun and making the journey worth remembering...


why is it that guys so gudlookin that it just hurts to look at the for more than a minute are always born outside india. i havent seen such a handsome, fine and super hot guy in ages! i'm sure all the girls would agree with me that he makes bollywoood hearthrobs eat dust, literally!!!
it's just bcoz of him that i cant seem to get enough of the TWILIGHT movies...i can totally watch them day after day. now that i've mentioned the movie, it would be inappropriate if i didn't mention Kristen Stewart, that girl fits perfectly in the definition of 'beautiful' (just something for the guys to like about this post....hehehehe)
now girls, correct me if i'm wrong.....dont u feel, after looking at him, that he is a good human as well? i dont know, i feel that he has all the gud qualities that the right guy should have....sensitive, good listener, gr8 musician(this one's defintiely positive...i did my research), amazing cook, and a lot of others that i cant mention in this post. do lemme know......

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


well, this is something purely out of experience and do help me understand it further. a series of recent events that have occurred in my life over a span of 3 years has made me think whether i can ever fall in love with someone or not. i'm not trying to put it in a negative way. i mean even i feel desperate sometimes to have a boyfriend like every other straight gal but when a reasonably gud guy comes along and dares to show interest in me, i just shoo him away! and i dont even feel sorry that i lost a gud chance at having a relationship, it just makes me feel.....relieved. i don't know why but i don't regret being alone, without someone special in my life. i feel extremely "FREE". i get this feeling that if i get into a relationship, i'm bound by certain rules that i have to follow, like i ought to spend most of my time with him, answer his phonecalls on a single ring, etc. am i depriving myself from something realy important? is it this hard for everyone? is it really supposed to feel this way? does every1 get cold feet like me? i dont know, last time i checked, this was what couples who were about to get married were complaining about. or is it the fear of commitment...OMG!! I'M CHANDLER????????????

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


friend (noun): somebody who trusts and is fond of another.
enemy (noun): somebody who hates or seeks to harm somebody or something.

hmmm....totally opposite words. but think about it, are they, really? well, what i've experienced in the past 4 years has mixed up my dictionary completely. now i seem to recognise one word from another, both are synonymous.
i've been blessed with the best of friends god could ever find for someone he truly loved. but this doesn't mean that all the people who became my friends are one of them. the ones who have deceived me were, at one time, one of my closest friends. at the same time, people who were never expected to be on my side, even in happier times, turned out to be my biggest strength.
i know this sounds like i'm trying to brag about being a great friend, but no, thats not the point. the point is that this is my blog and i get to write whatever i want!
the only thing i can think of to conclude this pathetic li'l attempt on "bloggin'":
'bonds of friendship are true only when put to test.'


when i first decided to become a dentist, i thought of all the hurdles i'll have to cross. it was like the beginning of a new era...starting from scratch, as some may put it. there were so many things to worry about: burden of books, killing competition, horrifying hostel...and so on. but what i, and many of my fellow dentists-in-the-making, have been suffering from since the last few months is worse than all the tension about 'THE NEW ERA'. this is something that everyone wants to put an end to, but everyone is helpless.
we, the students of BDS, who are trying to survive in CCS university have been succumbed to an unwanted "sabbatical" for an unlimited period of time.
no, this is not supposed to be an online plea to the court where the students who have a beef with the university are fighting for the 'carry-over' system to prevail. it is just an outburst from a student who is sick and tired of sitting and looking at the same fucking books over and over and over again!!!!!!!!!!
this was supposed to be the end of it all, the studying and running scared from the professors who, i think, are out to get you at any given point of time during the college hours (no offence intended). it was supposed to be the end of the 'student' chapter and the beginning of the 'doctor' chapter. i mean, hello, we thought it was a 4 year course minus the internship. but, noooooo! how can it be normal?!? it is supposed to get messed up coz 'life mein twist hona to zaroori hai!'